Собеседование на тестировщика. Вопросы на английском 2

Хороший тестировщик развит всесторонне! Хоть эта профессия и «техническая», для полного комплекта кандидата, которого оторвут с руками и ногами на собеседовании, надо владеть английским языком.

Этому посвящены наши еженедельные публикации, в которых мы составляем для вас самые разнообразные материалы для укрепления QA-английского.

Сегодня перед вами вопрос из собеседования на позицию тестировщика в англоязычную компанию. В ответе на вопрос пропущены некоторые буквы. Заполните пропуски, а потом сверьтесь с правильным вариантом в конце.

Read the question:

What is the algorithm of a proper testing process?

Read the answer:

There are several phases that testing should include:
1. Initiation (an action that informs the test team about the necessity of testing and guarantees meeting the requirements)
2. Then we should detect the direct and indirect requirements by collecting all accessible info about the item under testing
3. Then comes generation of test cases, where we detect all possible cases of usage of the product, its properties and peculiarities of exploitation.
​​4. The next action is to select representative test cases
5. Verification
6. Documenting results
7. Analysis of results
8. Transferring the external and internal documentation to the stakeholders
Here’s the answer but some letters are missing. 

Let’s fill in the gaps to restore the answer:

1. I_____n (an action that informs the test team about the n______y of testing and guarantees m____ the requirements)
2. Then we should d____ the direct and __direct requirements by c_____ing all a_____ble info about the item _____ testing
3. Then comes g_____ of test cases, where we d____ all possible cases of usage of theproduct, its p_____ies and peculiarities of exploitation.
4. The next a____n is to s____t rep___________e test cases
5. _________tion
6. D_________ results
7. _________sis of results
8. T_________g the e________l and internal documentation to the st_______rs

Check the answer:

1. Initiation (an action that informs the test team about the necessity of testing and guarantees meeting the requirements)
2. Then we should detect the direct and indirect requirements by collecting all accessible info about the item under testing
3. Then comes generation of test cases, where we detect all possible cases of usage of the product, its properties and peculiarities of exploitation.
​​4. The next action is to select representative test cases
5. Verification
6. Documenting results
7. Analysis of results
8. Transferring the external and internal documentation to the stakeholders

Для прокачки английского в сфере тестирования приходите на наш курс английского: https://qaschool.ru/courses/english/
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